Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An ATV ride and a birthday party

Nick took started a part time job a couple months ago working at an equestrian center. He works there on Sundays feeding the horses and letting them out to pasture in the morning, and cleaning stalls. Anyway, Cooper and I went to the farm to visit Dad a few Sundays ago, and Cooper got to see all the horses and even take a ATV ride.

Cooper also went to a birthday party for his friend Sophia this month. She was turning 2! He loved playing with all the kids, and especially loved his bag of party loot.
Here he is rocking his party shades.
Ready to party
Loving the playhouse
Patiently awaiting his cupcake
The Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was Nick's 31st Birthday. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday baby, we love you so much and look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you in the years to come! Here he is with the cookie cake he requested. It is GIANT!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

7 months in pictures







Its been awhile...

I really had hoped I was going to be better at this blogging thing. Its been over 6 months since I last posted and I don't really have any good excuse. Life with a toddler is busy, what else can I say : ) We are approaching Cooper's 2nd birthday already, so I thought if I'm ever going to catch up, I better do it now. So, lets get caught up on little Cooper man. He is currently 21 months old. He is now an "official" toddler. He started walking back at the beginning of September at 14 months, and now he running, YIKES!. He is done teething, for now at least. Phew! He also has a large vocabulary. He says just about everything, and is starting to put a couple words together in a phrase. My favorite being "Love you" sounding more like "wub woo", but still adorable. He has discovered the word "NO" in the last few months, and all the power that goes with it : ) He's definitely started asserting himself and has distinct opinions on what he likes and dislikes. He also doesn't like to be told no, and we've started experiencing some tantrums as a result of that. His favorite place to play right now is outdoors. He loves to go to the park, and go down the slide all by himself. He is starting to be very independant, though he still likes to know Mom or Dad are nearby. Cooper continues to grow like a weed and really has such a wonderful personality. He loves to make us laugh, and he really has the greatest sense of humor. He is sweet, kind, into everything, and still a total snuggle bug, he loves to give hugs and kisses. He is a pretty typical toddler and seeing the world again through his eyes is so much fun. We can't believe he is approaching 2 already!
Other than that our lives are pretty much the same. Though, I am working from home now, watching an 8 month little boy named Mason. Cooper has a new little buddy and it allows me to continue to stay home with Cooper. Nick continues to work for Sanmar, but he has a nice schedule that allows him to come home around 3:30 and spend time with Cooper. We are really looking forward to the summer and some warmer weather! Okay, well I think that gets us pretty caught up for now.
I will post some pictures in another post!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What have we been up to?

Cooper wanted to tell you all about what's he's been up to the last two months...

I decided its time I act like a big boy now and I taught myself how to stand up in my crib. Now I'm moving around on all the furniture and think I'll probably be walking on my own very soon! Here I am swinging at the park. I do lots and lots of swinging, it is one of my very favorite things to do.I played some bballand I learned how to ride my truck around all by myselfI get to face forward in the car now, hello big wide world! Where have you been all my life?I celebrated Dad's day at my very first Triple X rootbeer car showDaddy even taught me how to drive, look no hands!!I made a new friend named Evie, I have been so busy playing, but I even made time to grow some new chompers. I have six teeth now! I went to a parade and celebrated Independance day! Mommy and Daddy said I was only two weeks old at my last 4th of July parade, and now I'm a big boy!I have decided I definitely DO NOT LIKE PEAS!
Mommy made me play dress up...I think she might be confused though, she know's I'm a boy right?
This is me and dad on my very first ferry boat ride ever! We went to Bremerton to visit Maggie and Jason!This is me playing in the water at Forest park in Everett. I also got to pet lots of animals at the petting zoo there.Whew, I've been busy this summer, and there's still a whole month left of summertime! I'll try to make sure mom doesn't wait so long next time to update on my adventures!